Stuff chicks do
Remember a few months ago when fellow Bachelor blogger DP over at Guy in Austin filled in for me with a stellar male perspective on the reality show we all love to hate? DP’s blog is typically reserved for Bachelor seasons. I would email often and tell him that his fans want to know what he thinks about Jake on Dancing with the Stars and encouraged him to at least write three sentences.
I think he responded something back about hell freezing over or pigs flying.
I would send him detailed descriptions pulled from my posts, pics of Jake’s white-man-overbite and even a few YouTube clips, including the Risky Business intro we’d all love to erase from our memories.
I’m proud to say that because of my persistence and unwillingness to let this go, The Guy in Austin is back to blogging before the new season begins.
I take full responsibility.
Instead of wasting two hours of precious space on his DVR recording DWTS, DP has decided to go above and beyond with his own personal writing assignment. He’s stepping out of his comfort zone. He’s pushing the envelope and taking one for the team!
He’s a mixture of crazy and awesome is what he is…
DP has decided for the next four weeks, he’s going to participate in activities that are typically reserved for girls. That’s right readers. He’s going to do stuff chicks like. And then use his wit and humor to write about his experience.
Think manicure/pedicure. Highlights. Cooking classes. Antiquing. Pilates. Anything that a woman loves to do…he’s willing to give it a shot.
The best part is that he’s taking suggestions. Do you realize how much power we have people? It’s brilliant! Let’s all go over and suggest something in the comment section. Or you can email him. Try to stay away from suggestions like wearing a bra or high heels for a day. Think normal girly stuff that we all love to do and dudes just don’t understand.
My suggestion will probably be to get three guy friends (who are willing) to go see Sex and the City 2 on opening weekend, making sure to four seats in a row together…no buffer seat in between. That has girl written ALL OVER IT. Plus, his post would be highly entertaining and it doesn’t make him look like a complete chach for the most part.
Make your voices heard and make me proud. No matter what activities he chooses, the entertainment value is going to be extraordinary.
Think of the possibilities! Let me know in my comment section what you suggested for his comment section. My Sex and the City idea is good, right?
OK- this is AWSOME! May I suggest a pedicure, and maybe a craft fair in the country?
My husband does not understand the allure of Young and the Restless, but it’s addictive. Try watching a week of a soap opera and see if you’re not hooked (might I suggest Y&R).
I’m not sure where you live and if these are in abundance, but try having lunch at a tea room. Be sure to order a petit four for dessert. 🙂
1. Definitely Y&R…DVR it and watch with friends (either in person together or via phone), and pause it frequently to discuss the goings-on in Genoa City and how matronly Nikki is looking. Make sure to discuss how Y&R makes liberal use of soap-opera standards such as coming back from the dead several times; SORAS (soap-opera rapid-aging syndrome) — FYI, Abby is about to go from 15 to 22 or so overnight; getting plastic surgery to look exactly like another character (currently Lauren/Sheila’s sister, Dr. P/Patty; previously Phyllis/Sheila and probably more but I can’t recall); good twin/evil twin, etc.
2. Pedicure. And scuff your way home in the thin foam disposable flip-flops that they give you.
3. Host a Pampered Chef party. Make sure to serve alcohol. And by alcohol, I mean wine or foofy drinks. No beer. Have the Pampered Chef lady make something using fresh fruit.
4. Lengthy, gossipy lunch with girlfriends. Make sure to get a “big salad” (thank you, Elaine Benes) and then pick at it. Dressing should be on the side, and you must dip your fork into the dressing before spearing a piece of lettuce. Start with an announcement about how your week has been too hellish to describe and therefore you’re having wine. Then describe in detail the hell that is your life this week.
5. Go shopping for candles and throw pillows to freshen up your decor.
6. Get online and try obsessively to score tickets to a live taping of Oprah. You won’t be able to get them unless they’re last-minute, so be packed to travel to Chicago. You MUST visit The Oprah Store after the taping and pick up a little something. I got an adorable mug, but almost as good was the shopping bag it came in. Bright green, cute, with white grosgrain ribbon handles. I still have it. While you’re in Chicago, kill two birds with one stone and visit the Bliss spa in the W Hotel Lakeshore. Make sure to purchase Lemon and Sage Body Butter. It’s divine. Then get a Jamba Juice.
7. Spend a few hours browsing at Bed Bath and Beyond. Then go to Target.
Read Twilight. I’m not even asking for him to read all four books in the series. But, I dare anyone to read Twilight without immediately driving to your nearest book store to get New Moon.
8. Take a jewelry-making class.
9. Get a few friends together and go to a paint-your-own-pottery place.
10. Meet a friend for coffee but order tea. And maybe a nice scone or a muffin.
11. Lay out. As in sunbathing. More properly, it would be “lie in the sun”, but the term is “lay out”.
12. Shop for shoes. Try on several pair but purchase none. A few hours later, on your way out of the mall, stop back in and purchase two pair that you tried on earlier. The next day, return one of them.
13. Buy all new underwear and throw away the old ones.
14. Go to a farmers’ market and buy fresh produce. Make sure to buy yourself a bouquet of flowers. Tulips are nice this time of year.
15. Go to Build-A-Bear Workshop with a friend. Make bears together and laugh at how juvenile you’re being. Secretly, just in your head, name your bear after your crush. Start making your bed in the mornings so you can nestle your new bear adorably among the pillows.
16. Start Twittering. TwitPic your new bear.
Do a home work-out video
Make a scrapbook
Hang out with a new mom friend so you can hold her baby and coo
Take a flashback to highschool and invite friends over to make a mixed tape, make a collage from magazine cut-outs, have a seance, play MASH, and watch Sixteen Candles and re-wide the scene where Jake Ryan shows up in his Porsche 100 times
Go to a spa! Get a mud wrap and a massage. Get a manicure and pedicure! Get your hair done real nice.
Have a long, hot bath, scented with lavender essential oil, while reading the latest People by candlelight and listening to the soundtrack of “Somewhere In Time”. Aaaah….
take a sewing/quilting class at a local fabric store. More than likely will make a table runner. Great xmas gift for mom.
*Watch Oprah for a week and discuss her “insight” with others as it is the gospel
*A good book club with other moms
#6 C9……Sixteen Candles re-wind of Sam and Jake sitting on the table with the birthday cake too!
Think of these tasks as RESEARCH it will help. My son recently read the Twilight books to see what the fuss was all about. I think he secretly was taking notes that would help him decipher his girlfriend’s mind. lol
1. Host a bridal shower
2. Go on a “Home and Gardern” tour.
3. Go to an Imogen Heap concert. or Sara Bareilles. or Michael Buble.
4. Worry and fret over how you MAY have hurt someone’s feelings.
This one is courtesy of my best friend Janet, who’s been my kindred spirit since we met on the school bus on the first day of kindergarten. I agree wholeheartedly with her on this one, because she got me doing it years ago. Read Anne of Green Gables. In fact, once you’ve read the first book, you’ll want to read the whole series. Start referring to your BFF as a “kindred spirit”. Yes, technically it’s kind of a kids’ book, but I read the series as an adult and loved it.
How about a shopping spree at Sephora? Go in and get a whole new look, then buy the best Lancome mascara and Smashbox eyeshadow. Then go out for a “flirtini “, and tell each other how fab your new look is. Such fun!
I loved the comment about buying shoes and then returning them! Ha Ha HA!
But he totally should go to a scrapbooking store and look at paper…buy the sheets that appeal to him with some project in mind like making a page for a photo album…then take the paper home and leave the sack on a bed in a spare room. A month later, stick the bag in a drawer and forget about it.