Tag Bachelor Recap

‘The Bachelor’ recap: A nude awakening

I’m going to kick this Bachelor recap off with a very bold statement—I have been thoroughly entertained this entire season. Truly! Yes, The Farmer may be a nice, good old boy who doesn’t necessarily excel in front of the camera, but what he lacks in pizzaz, his potential wives make up for in drama. Couple that with Fleiss’ propensity to shake up the typical episode flow we’ve all but memorized

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‘The Bachelor’ recap: Britt takes a ride on the struggle bus

Watching The Bachelor was hard last night. It was hard because half of me wanted to watch the Saturday Night Live 40 Year Special, while another 45-percent of me wanted to see what the Dowager was up to. Sadly, I gave into the five-percent minority by devoting not one, not two, but three hours to witnessing Britt manipulate her way through the corn fields of Iowa. The good news is

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‘The Bachelor’ recap: Save a horse, ride a farm boy

This Bachelor recap is brought to you by United Airlines. Two time zones and three states later, I am forced to post this using an ethernet cable in a Comfort Inn near Nowhere, Wyoming. It’s a miracle we’ve reached “published” status. Hooray for sleep deprivation! I do apologize for my tardiness. It’s been an interesting 24 hours. And although I can’t make it up to all of you, I would

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‘The Bachelor’ recap: Just breathe

I think we can all agree that The Bachelor reached new levels of crazy last night. With the love guru’s wispy instruction, a blonde’s interesting take on US geography, a former shunned contestant’s profession, a non-hygienic front-runner, and a widow with a “tragic and amazing story,” I have no doubt that the ABC Psychotherapist will definitely be publishing papers about these women. Naturally, I enjoyed each second. Especially the huge

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‘The Bachelor’ recap: Like a virgin — topless for the very first time (today)

I’m not sure if you caught this tidbit of information from last night’s episode of The Bachelor: Ashley I-Lashes is a virgin. There were other happenings around the mansion, but the subject of virginity was 70-percent of the show. Ironically, the word “virgin” was never used in front of the bachelor until the rose ceremony. Ashley I-Lashes eluded, yet never specifically talked about her v-card before that moment. As a

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