Team Harrison

It’s probably because I watched the show with an elevated knee and ice pack nursing a broken toe, but I was pretty unimpressed with the episode last night. Why they insist on stretching 30 minutes of awesome into two hours of meh is beyond me.

And to think that the best two moments of the night came from Our Host Chris Harrison. And he was barely there!

ABC…I beg you…give this guy more lines!

Between Hare starting the show with a reminder of Crazy Dave’s (and I quote) “…disaterous attempt at seduction” and what can only be described as an erectile dysfunction tease in the forego card suite later in the season, I can whole-heartedly say that Our Host Chris Harrison rocks.

Recap coming up. Be heard below.

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June 16, 2009 9:59 am

Lincee, you have your work cut out for you this week, but you have never failed us before. Last night was a complete snoozer. With Jillian’s feet in snow boots, Tanner P was boring, and I think Mikey Mike was a little off his game with the pressure of one-on-one. My main complaint is… I don’t think they show the rose ceremony in order. When Tanner P’s name had not yet been called, my husband thinks he saw a shot of him wearing a rose. I would really like to see what order she actually calls. AND WHAT WAS THAT THING WES WAS WEARING? Oh puh-LEEZE! He is giving Texas men a bad rap, and that is so not fair.

Hey, Lincee, did you notice that Hare acted like it was news when Jillian told him Ed was gone? I cracked up with that one. Then fell back to sleep. I need your recap for my Tuesday laughs!

June 16, 2009 9:59 am

So it sounded like Jake, in the cabin…but I am really scared it will be Jesse, Reid, OR Kip…

What does anyone else think…?

ps I am TEAM REID. If she doesnt want him I DO!

June 16, 2009 10:02 am

Sooo sad to see Ed go. Sniff.

June 16, 2009 10:05 am

last night was boring as hell.

June 16, 2009 10:09 am

I’m surprised you didn’t mention the “touch my butt – it’s wet” quote from Jillian to Kiptyn. Desperate!

June 16, 2009 10:12 am

Last night was almost unwatchable because it was so boring.
Hare’s blog is good this week, though. You’ll want to punch Wes even more. By the way, every time I see him, even when he’s not singing, his stupid song comes into my head. I hate him.

June 16, 2009 10:14 am

So who else heard Wes say during the credits, “I’ve been on 6 episodes now. I’ve gotten my time on TV. Now I can bail.”??? Hubs and I rewound it three times to make sure it wasn’t sneaky editing, but it’s Wes’ mouth moving and those words coming out of his lips. Ca-razy.
Hey Wes, buh-bye.

June 16, 2009 10:15 am

So #2 JennaferN…. maybe Jake ISN’T so perfect???

June 16, 2009 10:17 am

I laughed SO hard at the fantasy-suite promo. I cannot believe they are going there. It crosses a line, it hits an all-time low – and I am SO watching it! It’ll be like that whole “you can’t take your eyes off a car crash” thing. Too freaking funny.

I never watched the bachelor before Brad’s season. I am a high school teacher at an all-girls school and a few girls were diehard fans, and I happen to check it out THAT pivotal season. So of course I have to see where this line of dominoes ends – it really was great drama.

But with that promo, this is more like my Office fix the summer. A docu-comedy. Except apparently, these aren’t paid actors – (right?) Whatever it is my comedy fix this summer.

And of course, I discovered Lincee! Yeah!

June 16, 2009 10:18 am

I think I said this line wrong: “and I am SO watching it! It’ll be like that whole “you can’t take your eyes off a car crash” thing.”

I just want to put out there that I don’t think car crashes are funny. I just can’t remember the actual saying (it’s early right now) I hope you know what I meant!

June 16, 2009 10:22 am

Question. Did anyone else notice how Jillian moved (note: did not REmove) Ed’s pic to the other table during her deliberation time? I’m calling it now…Ed makes a come-back later in the season!

Go Team Ed!!!

June 16, 2009 10:23 am

this season is pretty boring overall. not much seems to happen. big buildup for little payout.

that being said, i actually did get a little upset on behalf of both jillian and ed last night. i wasn’t a major ed fan like many of the other posters here, but to see them clutching each other in front of his hotel room door so sadly told me that there really was true emotion there (i was also wondering whether he had his hotel key with him as the door slammed shut behind him – awkward time to get locked out!). what a difficult situation. i hope that he comes back – he didn’t give back his rose, after all!

michael seems like a sweet guy, but i really don’t think he’s for jillian, and she knows it too. also, no chemistry with robby D either – both their days are numbered. am i crazy or did robby D say she was “AMAZING” – guess he didn’t get the memo on that word being banned this season! no wonder he didn’t get a kiss…

given the way that “jilly bean” (ugh!) talked about jake last night, i don’t think he’s going to be standing there at the end, either. which pains me – he has been my favorite from the start. i don’t understand the criticism of jake being “too perfect” – i married a “good guy” and couldn’t be happier – jillian should do herself a service and stop chasing the bad boys! i was also a jeremy fan in ddah’s season, and we’ve all seen how her ultimate choice ended! also, the critique of jake’s height doesn’t make sense if you keep in mind jillian’s height: my husband is 5’6″ and i’m 5’2″, and i think it’s perfect. we also fell in love on our first date – we knew we were getting married for sure by the second date, so for me, the criticism of “how can you know possibly so fast if she’s the one?” is unfair. it *is* possible to know, if you’re a strong, confident person who knows him/herself well, and knows what you want in life and in a mate; it strikes me that jake is that kind of guy. then again, my husband and i weren’t each dating 24-29 other guys/gals at the same time when we were falling in love…

i don’t understand why tanner P is still there, except maybe she still hopes he’s going to spill the beans. i knew mark was a goner last week, and based on OHCH’s blog, that really was the case!

really, the contenders are kiptyn, jesse, reid, and ed if he returns. i’m hoping wes is out of there before the final 4 (come on ed!). i don’t like kiptyn, but at this point could see her with jesse, reid, or (ed) – time will tell. however, i think it might be reid with the bedroom “malfunction” next week. i don’t think anyone should hold that against him, and i feel terrible for him (or whoever it is) that it has to be played out on national TV. jillian and the man should be able to keep that to themselves! why talk about it in front of the cameras? not classy, jilly.

June 16, 2009 10:26 am

#9 – i think we’ll see next week that wes was trying to say that in defense of himself. i think he’s saying that he could have bailed out by now, but he doesn’t want to, b/c he truly has feelings for jilly. i’m not saying i will believe him when he says that, but i think that’s what he’s going to say. it’s just more buildup for nothing…

June 16, 2009 10:27 am

What about Jill’s drunk little “I like you . . . (giggle) . . . do you like me?” My roommates and I had to rewind and watch that a few times before we could get through it without crying with laughter.

Lay off the booze, hun.

June 16, 2009 10:31 am

ok, I realized last night who pizza guy reminded me of. Anyone else watch “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”? He reminds me of one of the McPoyle brothers. 🙂 Anywhoo, good riddance to him.

And poor, sweet Jilly. You really aren’t a good judge of character. I love that she thinks that any guy is going to actually fess up to her that he”s not there for ” the right reasons”. Bless her heart.

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