Bachelor Pad: Episode Two

She’s my cherry pie
Disgusting piece of crust stick in her eye
Yacking in a bucket makes Tenley cry
Sweet cherry pie
—– Warrant, 1990

Recap will be up as soon as I find a polka-dot jacket to pair with my gingham dress.

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Billie Jean
August 17, 2010 9:31 am

OHCH did disappoint with his rose ceremony wardrobe choice – I’m not sure if it was the pairing of the shirt/tie or just that the shirt was so bad. Reminded me of a picnic tablecloth, but it did tone down the hot pink ballerina tutu dress……..

August 17, 2010 9:31 am

The ending was so retro 80s–Girl Jesse with her puff skirt and Miami Vice Craig!
And…was OHCH wearing the same shirt at the pie eating contest and Rose Ceremony?

August 17, 2010 9:36 am

Before I clicked on the link to your site I thought I wonder what her title will be and “She’s my cherry pie” went through my head, and I thought that has to be it 🙂

August 17, 2010 9:38 am

OMG–that shirt tie combination was horrid.

I’ve got to say, I am really not liking this show. It sucks and I don’t mean in the trainwrecky completely awesome way that Bachelor/ette sucks. I mean, wake up on Sunday morning with the stomach flu, knowing you’re going to have a miserable day laying on the floor of the bathroom, wondering why you don’t do a better job cleaning the rim of the toilet kind of suck.

It bores me and I keep thinking BP is going to get cancelled after 2 episodes like Tony Robbins or just before the last 2 episodes air, a la Pirate Master or whatever the hell that one was called, which sucked equally as bad. WTF is up with all these women crying?

August 17, 2010 10:01 am

After about an hour and a quarter of this show last night, I turned to my friend and said “there are 45 minutes left? Haven’t we already been watching for about a week?” But that didn’t stop us from watching the rest of it! Why why why why why? Why do we care whether the girl strategy was screwed up by Nikki changing her vote or by Gia not giving Craig the rose in the first place? Brain cells dying right and left.

The only explanation for OHCH’s shirt/tie combo is that now that Ali’s season is over, her stylist was assigned to wardrobe on the Bachelor Pad. I think even all the hair is looking less combed this week than last . . .

August 17, 2010 10:24 am

What is up with Elizabeth? She IS the train wreck waiting to happen!! Does anyone else think these are SUPER BORING! I am so bored and even when my TiVO goes over on the next segment I don’t even back it up, is that wrong of me??

Lincee what coudl you possibly have to recap today from last night….OHCH wearing whatever he wants to no matter what people think? Gia blaming Nikki for sending Craig home, hello that fell on you! Oh wait the hot love scene between Gwen and Weatherman?? Godd luck in your recap.

August 17, 2010 10:45 am

best line of the nite comes from OHCH during guy’s pie eating contest: “weatherman is forecasting a victory”. LOL!!

August 17, 2010 10:51 am

did anyone notice on Gia’s date – while with Wes – she kept looking almost behind the camera? it was like she was looking at the camera crew…weird.

August 17, 2010 11:01 am

@8. Ellerod, yes I noticed a couple of contestants doing this… what’s up wit dat? Also, totally agree Bachelor Pad = Bachelor BAD!! Boooriiing, and WAY. TOO. LONG.

August 17, 2010 11:05 am

OHCH, tie/shirt combo sucked.
Jesse B asking Natalie if she indeed had been around the boy block. I can’t think of the exact terms he used.
Tenley whining/crying during pie eating, annoying.
Nikki too much makeup.
Gia ruined her own plan! Wes was not going anywhere, so she should take the rap for that, not point fingers.
Peyton actually talked!

August 17, 2010 11:06 am

Best quote of the night award goes to….. (wait for it) ELIZABETH! “I’m a smart dumb girl.” Huh?

August 17, 2010 11:09 am

Can we stop for a second and recognize the worst wardrobe choice of the year went to Natalie? When was the last time you saw a leopard halter paired with a hot pink tutu and you weren’t at a strip club?

August 17, 2010 11:09 am

sorry-not leopard. LEATHER!

August 17, 2010 11:38 am
August 17, 2010 11:40 am

Ok, I’m officially over the Bachelor Pad…last night was so boring I decided to scrub out my refrigerator. I found a bottle of wine in the back…I should have opened it and finished watching the show. I fast forwarded through the last 45 minutes just so it would end. I think I’m dropping this waste of 2 hours and will get the gist through Lincee’s recaps.

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