
Stocking stuffer

Thanks to IHGB reader David for sending me a link to THIS book… BEHOLD! FINALLY!  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished, “If only there was a manual written by a tough guy that would help me crack the bad boys, pompous male co-workers and Harley riding bandidos in my life.” Our prayers have been answered ladies!  And just in time for the holidays! Former Bachelor and half-winner

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One of these things is cooler than the others

When I received this awesome picture from IHGB reader/triathlete Kari, it took me a while to process what I was seeing with my very own eyes.  Take a look for yourself: 1.  I’m convinced that Lieutenant Doctor Andy Baldwin shot at least four rounds of Botox into his forehead before the triathlon.  Does anyone else feel that he is wearing waterproof mascara?  The eyes are popping a little too much

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Turn on the air conditioner

Because Hotter Than Crap Brad is back! Isn’t he pretty? I heard that the new Bachelor would be announced on Dancing with the “Stars” tonight.  Of course, I got sucked into the awesomeness that is “Chuck” and totally forgot to tune in.  You can imagine my surprise when I received a Facebook message from IHGB reader Kodi that THE WEATHERMAN was the new Bachelor.  Then my Blackberry really started to

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Hotter Than Crap Brad the new Bachelor?

Thank you to all 1,700 friends and fans on Facebook, Twitter and the website who emailed me regarding the current rumor that Hotter Than Crap Brad Womack is considering the position of ABC’s next Bachelor. I know that we haven’t had a “fresh crop” Bachelor since, well, Mr. HTCB himself and the idea of Fleiss talking him into another season of the reality show we all love to hate is

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Just kidding! You only win $125,000!

I’m always a little sad when the current Bachelor franchise season finale rolls around. We’ve been on this journey together for a long time. You all know that you are amazing and I really think we have a connection. I’m starting to FEEL something. Would you accept this rose? Or send me a picture of a cute boy with a Dr Pepper? Let me just take this time to tell

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