Random News! A Wedding! Find of the Day!

Nice title, huh? I’m going to ask you to embrace this smorgasbord post, because the Offshore Technology Conference (read: my own person NIGHTMARE) is upon us and all I seem to do is work, work, work lately. If I don’t smorgasbord, you’ll probably hear crickets when you check IHGB on your browser and we can’t have that. RANDOM NEWS So, apparently this is happening: I’m not sure how I feel

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Dancing with the Fog

Other than an unfortunate “solo” at the end, the biggest shocker of the night was the fact that I LIKED THIS DANCE! Sean’s mad skills are actually growing on me! Here’s a list of five unexpected things I witnessed from his feathery Viennese waltz: 1. I think the fog was a smart way to disguise bad footwork.  Peta in the Mist was pretty cool too. 2. Sean picks up Peta

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Dancing with the Village People

The theme? Prom. The costume? Construction worker and sexy Indian. The song? Y am I watching this again? M arms are massive. C-ing is hard when you are hiding behind your couch cushion. A series of pelvic thrusts occurred right after this move. Did you vote?  Or did you delete YMCA from your playlist?  Sound off in the comment section.

He is RISEN!