Let It Go. Let It Gooooo!

I introduced my niece to Frozen over the weekend. She now owns the movie, soundtrack and insists on shutting people in the bathroom so she can ask them through the door if they want to build a snowman. She made a video of herself on the way to school this morning singing “Let It Go.” I particularly love the toned down drama at the :26 mark. And of course, the

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Bachelor Recap: Juan and One, We Were Having Some Fun

I knew it was going to be a long night when b-roll footage of tropical wildlife was featured after each commercial. Teasing the pending drama of what went down in DAndi’s forgo hut for 90 minutes didn’t help my nerves, so I decided to settle in and let the ABC current take me on this journey at its own pace. It was a smooth ride until we got to Nikki’s

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Bachelor Recap: Episode 9

I’m still processing through last night. I keep telling myself that “eet’s okay.” The recap will be up later this afternoon. If you need something to do until then, watch this clip of Hall of Famer Paul Rudd and my current celebrity crush Jimmy Fallon!

Bachelor Recap: This Juan’s For the Girls

Without even a gratuitous shot of Our Host Chris Harrison casually standing in front of the mansion on a freshly sprayed driveway, ABC wastes no time by dropping the viewer right into the first of four hometown dates. I hadn’t even shoved the first handful of popcorn in my mouth before I was scrambling to take notes on Nurse Nikki’s fingerless gloves. FINGERLESS GLOVES! It’s the final four people. Game

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