Bachelor Recap: Episode 9

I’m still processing through last night. I keep telling myself that “eet’s okay.” The recap will be up later this afternoon. If you need something to do until then, watch this clip of Hall of Famer Paul Rudd and my current celebrity crush Jimmy Fallon!

Bachelor Recap: This Juan’s For the Girls

Without even a gratuitous shot of Our Host Chris Harrison casually standing in front of the mansion on a freshly sprayed driveway, ABC wastes no time by dropping the viewer right into the first of four hometown dates. I hadn’t even shoved the first handful of popcorn in my mouth before I was scrambling to take notes on Nurse Nikki’s fingerless gloves. FINGERLESS GLOVES! It’s the final four people. Game

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Bachelor Recap: Episode 8

The recap will be up as soon as I finish researching what type of mascara Renee uses. Not only does it withstand gracious tears, but also a seagull dropping a sandwich which then landed on her head would not deter the lusciousness of those lashes. Feel free to share your thoughts on last night’s episode, as well as your feelings on TONIGHT’S DRAMATIC FANTASY SUITE FORGO CARD DATES! Here’s hoping

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Happy Birthday Wade Kinsella

Dear Wade, Your grin continues to slay me. Your chin dimple and flannel are a deadly combination. Your lack of flannel is even deadlier. And everything about this clip is wonderful. From the Charlie Brown Christmas tree to the moment you whisper “Come here” around the 1:56 mark. I’ve never wanted to be Zoe Hart more in my life. To sum up? I’m glad you were born Wade Kinsella. Love,

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