
I would encourage you to take a moment today and remember all of our veterans. Each and every one has sacrificed more than we will ever know. We are blessed to live in a country that is rooted in freedom and bravery. Happy Veteran’s Day Daddy. I’m so proud that you served our country in Vietnam. I love you! (Please feel free to remember loved ones serving in the military

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A List of Thanks: 2013 Edition

1. John 3:30 2. The Broadway stage 3. FaceTime with my niece 4. Mumford & Sons 5. Surprise birthday parties 6. Cupcakes and sugar cookies 7. T25 8. Disney World 9. Wade Kinsella 10. Wade Kinsella on my DVR…FOREVER 11. American soldiers 12. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness 13. A decade worth of Bachelor recaps 14. The Divergent series 15. The love of Jesus 16. Supporting JD through

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Happy Halloween

Or as I like to call it, Society’s Free Pass to Play Dress-Up as an Adult! Stay safe out there tonight. And maybe hide your dalmatians until morning.

Yes please