Meet Mr. February

Congratulations John Brian! I’m going to go ahead and assume that you will be sharing your year supply of Dr Pepper with your fellow band members and anyone your aunt Lee Ann may have ever known in her lifetime.  Play on player! I promise to have March submissions up at the end of the month.  Thanks to everyone who voted!  Keep the submissions coming!

February Dr Pepper finalists

Yes. It’s March 3 and I’m just now posting Dr Pepper pics. My bad. It is with great pleasure and deepest pride that I now present to you the February finalists: 1. OBU Tiger John Brian According to JB’s aunt who submitted this picture, John Brian is a senior at Oauchita Baptist University in Arkansas. He’s in the OBU band and had just come off the field from his halftime

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Bachelor Recap: Safari…So Goody

Hello my dear readers. It’s been a crazy couple of days and I have that “morning after the slumber party” feeling right now. If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you know that I returned late last night from Disney World where my friend Keri and I conquered five rides in four parks in six hours on our last day. Thankfully, I have this picture to remember my mini

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Bachelor Recap: Episode 9

The recap will be up later this afternoon as soon as I recover from my three-day Disney World weekend.  Until then, can someone confirm if cut-off jean shorts are back with the bang braid?