Come here to me so I can put a ring on it

Well…it is done. We’ve reached the end of this amazing journey and as I watched last night’s show, I allowed a river of emotions sweep me back and forth along a current that lasted about an hour and a half too long. Like Brad, the majority of my feelings fell under the utterly confused portion of the emotional scale, but we’ll get to After the Final Rose later. It’s time

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It’s time to vote!

Tonight’s the night.  Hotter than Crap Brad will bestow a final rose, ending this amazing journey known as season 15.  Who will he choose?  Vote below! [poll id=”9″]

Women Tell All: The Hits

Some of you may not know that making mix tapes is actually a spiritual gift of mine. Since music makes the people come together, I decided that last night’s recap will be in the form of a “Women Tell All” playlist. Enjoy! Track 1: “Hot Stuff” Artist: Donna Summer Just like the hit single released in 1979 by the Queen of Disco, Our Host Chris Harrison commands the studio with

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Bachelor Recap: Women Tell All

Raise your hand if you were bored watching last night?  It should have been called, “Women Tell Us Everything We Already Knew While Our Host Chris Harrison Looks Hot.” I’ve decided to use this lack of significant information to practice my creative writing skills.  I’m not going to write a normal recap.  It’s going to be something different…outside of the box. Since I’m not sure what that looks like yet,

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