Bachelor Recap: Episode 6

The recap will be up as soon as I finish convincing all the ladies in my office to braid their bangs. Come on! Everyone (in Costa Rica) is doing it! In the meantime, feel free to discuss more important issues in the comments below. I’ll be posting this afternoon.

Hall of Fame. Hall of Shame.

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine had a fabulous idea for my website.  I’ve always concluded my recaps with “I’m all about the shame, not the fame” since I began writing in 2003 and it’s unofficially become my sign-off.  Why not have a Hall of Fame and a Hall of Shame section that features the swoon-worthy and chachtastic men that often find their way onto IHGB? I was

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What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Except for STDs.

Clever, clever readers! Thank you so much for those of you who participated in my very first giveaway. Although you are all winners in my eyes, it’s not so much that way with my family and friends. I’d like to extend the signed Bachelor tote to IHGB reader JennyToo. Behold her clever limerick: A tat that says “family” is cool, If you’re a dad with three kids at the pool.

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Bachelor Recap: Episode 5

The recap will be up as soon as I recover from my AOL video blog.  Did I really use the word dominatrix? Yes.  Yes I did. Let’s hear your thoughts in the comment section below.