Stocking stuffer

Thanks to IHGB reader David for sending me a link to THIS book… BEHOLD! FINALLY!  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished, “If only there was a manual written by a tough guy that would help me crack the bad boys, pompous male co-workers and Harley riding bandidos in my life.” Our prayers have been answered ladies!  And just in time for the holidays! Former Bachelor and half-winner

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Attention Houston muggles

** UPDATE:  Winners will be notified via email November 9th ** Warner Bros. has graciously decided to partner with me again for a Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows screening! I have 10 tickets to give away and I’m going to make you work for them. Simply email me (in 100 words or less) why YOU deserve to be at the Monday, November 15 screening in Houston. If I were entering my

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A list of things I’m thankful for…

1. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 2. I live in a country where I can vote. 3. Dr Pepper 4. A group of ladies who celebrated me last night with ice cream cake. 5. Gummy Life Savers 6. A job that allows me to travel the world and the United States 7. Crossing Pennsylvania off of my “US States to Visit” list 8. Wind-resistant thermal coveralls 9. The gorgeous

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The Great Debate: Fast Food Menu Items

On my refrigerator, there is an invitation for my birthday party two years ago that features a shot of yours truly photoshopped between McCain and Obama, instructing the reader to vote for me…the BEST candidate on that historic election day. Holding this awesome invitation is a magnet that was the inspiration for this post. It reads: “If you are what you eat, then I’m cheap, easy and fast.” Isn’t that

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