It’s a toss up really

The green shorty shorts… Mike Brady from the Hawaii episode? Or Larry Bird in his glory days? I can’t decide. While I ponder, I’m also going to be working on a deadline. I’m giving you guys FAIR WARNING that the recap will be up later today. I know. This job so gets in the way of my writing. Was ABC trying to trick us with weird editing? Or did we

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Soy Grande

There were two things last night that I wanted to happen: 1. I prayed to the good Lord that Jillian would take the forgo card from the date with “He Who Must Not Be Named” and tear it up into tiny little pieces. 2. I wanted Kiptynite to say, “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!” and have a sword fight with Jillian. That would

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Ding Dong, the Dillweed’s Gone

I’m not even going to give him the satisfaction of writing his name. I’m just going to say HALLELUJAH one more time and go write. You guys discuss below. Recap coming up!

I think his tractor’s sexy

I have to admit. I was rooting for our girl last night. She was standing there— twirling that fourth boutonniere in her fingers—licking her lips—pausing for dramatic suspense—and I was rooting for her. I was verbally WILLING her to say Jesse’s name. Heck…I said Jesse’s name. I chanted it over and over and over again, but my gut told me we would have another week of smarmy Wes Hayden and

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