It’s going to be a loooooong season

That was the status of my Facebook page last night. I wanted to issue a grand “BLESS ALL OF OUR HEARTS” blanket statement and then be done with the recap, but I know y’all want and need a little more than that. Because I love you, I will force my eyeballs to roll forward from their permanent placement in the back of my brain, refrain from shaking my head back

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2013 from Lincee Ray on Vimeo.


It’s practically here people. Juan Pablo and his subtitles will be gracing our television screens in a handful of DAYS. I suggest we breakdown the 30-second spot and search for clues to see if this season is going to be as fantastic as I imagine. And by fantastic I of course mean hot mess. Caliente mess if you will. Behold the video: Right off the bat, I was confused by

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Merry Christmas