Bachelorette Des Recap: Loke is in the Air

After last week’s show, ABC led us to believe that Episode 7 would be full of grown men sobbing over railings in exotic locations, holding back tears at the rose ceremony and breaking down in rejection limos. Shame on me for buying into the producers’ tricky editing. There was only one emotional moment in the entire two hours and that was the Federal Prosecutor crying to his Mom. Instead of

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Bachelorette Des: James And The Giant Impeachment

Desiree and her band of bachelors are slowly making their way through Barcelona because like Germany, it too is the perfect place to fall in love. It would also appear to be the best place to suffer from an emotional breakdown before ousting not one but THREE suitors. On the bright side, it’s also the place to make out against a brick wall. Twice. #neverfear #theArievideoisbelow So let’s get to

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Bachelorette Des — Week 6

I just figured out that James is only on the show so he can be the next bachelor. How did I miss that the first 97 times it was conveyed last night? Did y’all catch that? I wanted to make sure everyone was working with the same information. Again…James wants to be the next bachelor, or go back to reality where he will entertain hot chicks on a boat with

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I’ll Be Loving Them FOREVER

It was early January when I learned that I would once again attend a New Kids on the Block concert as an adult. You can read about that by clicking HERE. Of course, an added bonus was the fact that Boyz II Men would be performing as well! (The verdict was still out on 98 Degrees.) I was fully prepared that more than likely there would be a nearby gaggle

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