An aca-post about ‘Pitch Perfect’

Lately a few select songs from Pitch Perfect have been in constant rotation on one of my FUN or SING ALONG playlists. Sidebar: You should own both the soundtrack and the movie if you don’t already. Let me be clear. I typically watch the movie in fast forward, having long ago memorized how to avoid the puking scenes in order to get to the good stuff. And there’s so much

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‘The Bachelorette’ Andi recap: I wanna be your cowboy

I’ve decided that someone over at ABC is working on an anthropological study which indicates the likelihood of an individual completely disregarding any shred of a moral compass when asked to drop trou in the name of charity. Oh you’re feeling modest about being nude with nothing but a sandwich board between you and your bikini regions? THINK ABOUT THE BABY SEALS! You’re anxious about sporting a skimpy pickle pouch

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‘The Bachelorette’ Andi recap: Episode 2

The recap will be up later today as soon as my vision isn’t so cloudy. You see, I inadvertently slathered Germ Squirt in my eyes last night after the strip tease debacle. I’ve flushed with warm water, so it should be fine in a few hours. My eyes should be fine. The visions of a gyrating opera singer will eternally be seared into my brain. That can never be erased.

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Memorial Day