‘The Bachelor’ season finale: Let’s vote!
It’s time to weigh in everyone. Will our bachelor overlook Becca’s unwillingness to profess her love and choose her anyway, hoping that she’s willing to trade in the LA traffic for rows and rows of corn? Or will he pick Whitney? The one girl who he sort of likes, but is confident she’ll say yes if he gets down on one knee since all she talks about is wanting to have his babies. Or…
How many of you think he chooses to completely waste all of the time the ABC Intern spent decking out the old barn with whimsical farm equipment and roses by choosing neither girl? Let’s put it to a vote.
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Ha ha! I like the “struggle bus” option! It’ll be interesting for sure! Thanks for another great season of recaps Lincee!!!
Ugh. He has reduced himself to vapid or dull. Poor guy.
I want him to pick Becca but I predict he picks Whitney. And maybe pulls a Mesnick and asks to gets back together with Britt at the after-show.
I would love to see the Mesnick move performed by Prince Farming, but alas, I believe we will see the choice of the overly eager fair maiden, Whitney. She will remain holding the rose and wearing the glass slippers throughout ATFR and the obligatory GMA morning after interview.
I think it will be Whitney although she should have been eliminated long ago for having that awful voice. She sounds like a cartoon character and I for one could not take that every day. Maybe cows like that cross between Valley girl and Minnie Mouse. That’s the only reason I can come up with
Brenda, I so agree with you 100%. How can anyone live with Whitney and that voice! Eek!
Would love to see him pull a Mesnik, but I don’t think it’ll happen.
I think it is sad that so many people judge Whitney by the sound of her voice, something over which she had no control. Think about it people…good grief.
I voted for the struggle bus, because I believe that’s what he SHOULD do, but I honestly can’t see him with either Becca or Whitney. I don’t think this will end well.
All those time he said he could see his wife in that room? This was the one season where there was never anyone I could really see him with. Kaitlyn came the closest, but even she never seemed quite right for him. Whoever he chooses–if anyone–I don’t think it will last long or end in marriage.
I believe our farmer will pick “bitchy resting face” Whitney, although, he probably wants to pick Becca but the risk is too great for him.
Lol at the struggle bus and the “pull a Mesnick” Lincee… I would love to see the farmer do that and pick Jade.
Can’t wait for tonight! 🙂
I think it will be Whitney, although she’s been a little TOO desperate to prove herself worthy to him all season. I doubt she’ll be as happy as she’s trying to convince us, giving up her career and life in the big city (and by big city, I don’t mean Cedar Rapids). Becca, bless her soul. If he were to propose, I would hope she’d say no. The Farmer doesn’t seem to share her moral and spiritual convictions, so I just don’t see that happening. I would think seeing him kiss on twenty other girls at the same time would be reason enough for her to know that he won’t honor her choice to stay pure. She just so happened to be kept around this whole time and is following the coaching of the producers to give the contractually required “I’m in love with him” schpiel. Can’t wait to see how it all shakes out! I think Whitney says yes but time away from the cameras will say no way!
Agree. Becca is not for Chris. Becca is for a man that has not slept with other women and defiled himself.
My vote is struggle bus. I think Whitney wants it way too much and Becca not enough. We will see……
My friend said it best…
Every time Whitney opens her mouth, a kitten dies.
LOL!! The best line so far regarding Whitney. Give your friend a big high five.
I vote struggle bus. But something interesting and unexpected happens according to all the teasing.
So I vote half struggle bus/half Mesnick.
OMG that’s a PURRfect description! Totally accurate.
Came here to see if the recap was up, and found the entries from 3/9/14 I missed. Patrick, your friend hit the ball out of the park with this one!! LOL!
I don’t think either one would be a lasting relationship, but I think he’ll pick Whitney. However, I’m curious to see what happens at ATFR. Somehow I’m hoping its not just advertising and it really is something crazy and dramatic – I have a feeling we could just see a Mesnick after all! Happy watching all!
Hysterical as always, Lincee.
I picked the struggle bus, mainly because I hope that’s what he does. I can’t imagine living with over-eager whiney-Whitney. That whole “’til death do us part” couldn’t come quickly enough if I were married to her. And Becca: I just don’t know what to think. I hope her purity isn’t actually frigidity. (Not so much from her actions, but her family’s commentary was concerning.)
I guess we’ll all know soon. Happy watching everyone!
Becca, FTW. What guy doesn’t wanna be “The First” and especially at this age. She’s a flipping unicorn and even though he may be a nice (but rather boring) dude, he wants to be the first to “hit it”, so to speak.
In the end, the challenge wins over the easy option.
Although I do not see him with either, I think he chooses Whitney. I cannot imagine she would give up her career but I guess I do not know her. Although it would be fun for him to pull a Mesnick, I just did not see much of a connection with any of them. I guess since I have no interest in him, I was kind of bored this season. A big thank you to Lincee for making it entertaining!