Bachelorette JoJo recap: Don’t cry for her, Bachelor Nation

Bachelorette JoJo recap: Don’t cry for her, Bachelor Nation

We may never know whether Argentina was crying over football star Messi or Bachelor Nation’s infiltration into their country. It’s as if producers took well-known stereotypes and infused it with a dose of Mike Fleiss. Everyone wears leather. JoJo dresses like a sultrier version of Evita, minus the bun. Performance art takes the slip-n-slide to another level and men’s pants have never been tighter.

Is that love in the air, or is it just the haze of the bug spray to prevent Zika spreading to Bachelor in Paradise? Here’s to the journey, Buenos Aires!

The following information you are about to read is of personal opinion. However, if you or someone you follow on Snapchat happen to personally know, sort of know, or is friends with the Rodan+Fields consultant who claims to love Hodor even though she doesn’t watch Game of Thrones…none of this is personal and I’m sure they are all lovely people.

JoJo arrives in Argentina and her first order of business is a quick mentor sesh with Our Host Chris Harrison.

He. Looks. So. Good.

His hair is perfection. The suit fits perfectly. And he smells vaguely of red meat, citronella and effortless intensity. JoJo pretends to be excited about Robby, but then the conversation switches to the wonder that is Ben Higgins.

JoJo: Robby was the first to say he loved me, but that makes me worry. Because I’ve been told that before. On national television.
OHCH: You mean that guy who chose the leggy blonde over you?
JoJo: Don’t cry for me, Chris.
OHCH: Ben. I’m talking about Ben.
JoJo: Yeah. Got it. Oh look! A doggy!

Harrison leaves JoJo on a balcony so the wind can blow her weave in peace. He welcomes her suitors to Buenos Aires. I like to think that after Hare warned the guys that there will be yet another dreaded two-on-one date, he had an intervention with Luke regarding the fit of his camouflage tights. I’m convinced lack of oxygen to the brain is why this brooding cowboy is always squinting.


Robby reads the date card to the group. It has the word “bésame” written on it and Wells can’t help but blurt out that he hasn’t yet kissed JoJo, so this encrypted message doesn’t have as much mysterious weight as previous date cards. Wells begins sweating as he leaves to pick out his dingiest skinny jeans. JoJo pops in the room with painted on pants. She flirts with camel-toe but never achieves the uprising, thank goodness. The fact that I watch for it makes me sad and annoyed with myself. Almost as annoyed as when Luke shouts, “Are you guys going to kiss Wells today?”


Sidebar: Did anyone else notice that Robby had hair ties on BOTH of his wrists? I’m sure he was expecting a nice convertible ride to Iguazu Falls and he was prepared to not only to offer JoJo a rubber band for her luscious locks, but he had a spare to collect his own bangs. Was he a former Boy Scout? Or ABC Intern?

The guys talk about how awkward Wells’ date is going to be because the pressure of not having kissed JoJo makes the kiss not only a big deal, but a HUGE deal. Even JoJo tells the camera that it’s really weird Wells hasn’t made his move yet. If this kiss isn’t epic, Wellsy is going back to early morning prank calls on FM 98.3 — Alternative Nashville.

JoJo sets the perfect, sexy seen. She takes him to Fuerza Bruta where Fabio the artistic director of a performance art troop makes Wells run on a treadmill before pretending to be shot in the stomach. Then he shoves JoJo and Wells onto a rather large, transparent slip-n-slide that hangs from the ceiling.

I have two words for you: crotch shot.

JoJo and Wells slip and slide and writhe and giggle in the darkened theater with red and purple mood lights and HE NEVER KISSES HER. Finally, JoJo shoves her boobs in the general direction of his face as he slithers by her and he realizes it’s time to go for broke. The kiss lasted a millisecond before JoJo attempted to sit up to proclaim, “THAT WAS OUR MOMENT! WE HAD A MOMENT! HASHTAG THE MOMENT!” Fabio finally cuts off the fire hydrant of water and Wells settles into a real kiss.

At dinner, JoJo asks Wells about his previous relationships because that’s her version of “tell me about yourself?” Once again, Wells begins to sweat and removes his jacket. JoJo tries to make him feel less self-conscious by announcing that it’s “really hot in here.” She smiles, knowing that she prepared for the Argentinian heat with a little help from her cold midriff dress. She’s perfectly comfortable.

Wells launches into a discussion about his ex-girlfriend and how the passion slowly faded away after years of being together. He talks about how “we’ve all been there” when the spark is no longer a spark and you have to assess the reality of your relationship. This bothers JoJo.

JoJo: Finish this sentence: If you’re a bird, then I’m a…
Wells: Worm?

JoJo: I’m just a girl. Standing in front of a boy. Asking him to…
Wells: Turn down the heat?

JoJo: Nobody puts Baby or JoJo in a corner!
Wells: Why? Are you claustrophobic?

JoJo decides then and there that Wells is not her bird, soul mate or unicorn. She sends Wells to the rejection limo and then saunters around the venue where Fabio has gathered happy Argentinians to regale over the slip-n-slide performance. JoJo hugs herself as one of the actors pops the drop cloth and rain falls from the sky. It was the most artistic thing The Bachelorette has ever filmed. She cries phantom tears over the fact that Wellsy was a tertiary character in her journey to find love, yet this break-up was way harsh. How is she going to dump the others?

Robby, Alex, Jordan, James Taylor, Luke

Robby wears loafers and a sea-foam green v-neck to play a rousing game of soccer with the boys. The dudes kick balls, adjust their hair and show off their abs when they score a goal. One of the locals suggests they have a penalty kick-off contest, just like the producers coached him to say. Luke and Jordan miss, Robby pays the goalie to let him win (which he does not) and JT actually puts the soccer ball inside the square! This boosts his confidence. He has spent most of the date feeling like he’s been in a perpetual round of “one of these things is not like the other.”

At the cocktail party, JoJo and Luke smile at their great taste in black leather jackets before sitting down on a bench to discuss life. JoJo goes in for the obvious kiss, but Luke pulls back. He has a monologue he needs to recite before things get hot and heavy. It’s a somber version of “If you’re a bird, then I’m a bird.” JoJo is elated that someone finally gets her! Luke approaches the kiss with the speed of a decrepit turtle. It’s the definition of S-L-O-W and ridiculously drawn out. There was lots of grabbing and lots of me feeling like I hate JoJo for not having any cellulite on her thigh. I shouted for him to mind the weave several times. Luke is a hair fondler.

Bless James Taylor’s sweet baby fire and ice loving heart. He has to go after that display of affection? Poor guy. To make things worse, he breaks the cardinal rule of alone time and uses his moment to complain about Jordan. “WHAT DID HE DO?” JoJo asks?

Get this. Dude totally makes up rules when playing poker. The nerve.

JoJo says something along the lines of, “Um, okay,” and JT asks if he can kiss her. He feels a spark. I think it’s leftover from Luke.

The producers make JoJo confront Jordan about Poker-gate. He basically answers, “Um, okay,” and is frustrated with his bro that his alone time was dominated by something so petty. He walks back to the guys and fills the room with a formidable silence. The only sound is the swirling of his wine. The words “integrity” and “entitled” are thrown around. I keep waiting for the other loafer to drop, but it doesn’t. Absolutely nothing happens. Except for JoJo giving the rose to Luke.

Derek and Chase

When we learn that Derek and Chase are on the dreaded two-on-one, I was devastated. These are both my boys! How can we pit them against one another? They are practically the same person with different colored hair!

One boy dresses in black. One dresses in white. JoJo dresses like Jessica Rabbit. Tango is the order of the day. Derek takes this opportunity to get all up in JoJo’s business. He’s confident the rose is his. He even tells the camera, Chase and the scantily clad tango instruction.

I have to words for you: crotch shot.

Put that away, Tango Lady. No one wants to see your pink parts.

The trio tango for one minute, comparing each second to how relationships, like this forbidden dance, need passion and trust to survive. Footage tells us that Derek thinks he has this in the bag. He’s being a complete jack wagon. That’s when I know Chase is going to walk away with the bud.

At a very awkward three-way dinner, JoJo asks for some alone time with Derek first. When she stands up, I see the wardrobe department has added mosquito netting to the cut-out cold diaphragm section of her dress, as well as the bottom hem. Safety first, people. Derek tells her that she completes him and that he’d totally give her all the room on a piece of abandoned wood should they ever find themselves freezing in the ocean. JoJo smiles.

Chase admits that he is scared he’s going to get the boot. Especially when JoJo tells him that she doesn’t feel like he’s as into her as she is into him. This shocks Chase. He tells her that it’s hard for him to get on board when there are so many other cool dudes from which to choose. She reminds him that she’s been in that boat. He reminds her that he knows. LOOK HOW THAT TURNED OUT. JoJo bats her eyelashes, encouraging him to forget the pesky other boys vying for her attention. He decides to lay it all out on the line with words of affirmation. Then a tongue of affirmation.

JoJo picks Chase. She follows Jim Halpert to the rejection SUV. He encourages her to be true to herself. She waves good-bye and runs inside to slow dance with Chase as a lady named Soledad Pastorutti
serenades them from a balcony. As “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” wafts into the grand ballroom, Derek cries defeated tears into the camera. The scene morphs back and forth between symbolic lyrical crying and real wet tears. Don’t worry Big Tuna. You’re Pam is out there. Probably on an island in the Caribbean known as Paradise. Say hello to Jorge for us!

funny bachelorette recap-Jim and Pam

JoJo looks gorgeous in a royal blue mermaid dress. She stands on another balcony and tells Harrison that she’s falling in love with so many guy. This process is super hard, y’all.

Alex agrees. He’s been trying to grow his hair out like Jordan and it just isn’t working. Life is so unfair.

Along with Chase and Luke, JoJo hands roses out to Robby and Jordan. She looks down at the one remaining boutonnière and then has a panic attack. She shimmies out of the room while the producers radio “Code Harrison.” The ABC Intern fetches Our Host out of his suite to come and deal with the problem. JoJo can’t give out the final rose.

We are led to believe that neither Alex nor JT will get the coveted bud. That didn’t happen. Harrison, of all people, presents JoJo with an extra rose to add to the pile. He’s going to add that time to his expense report, rest assured. Both guys get to extend their journey to find love. JT is over the moon at this news. Alex rolls his eyes at his pity rose. I guarantee you this will be his downfall.

What did you think about this episode? Are you sad that Derek went home? Are you choosing to believe he wasn’t a dill hole like the producers want us to believe? Is Luke the front runner? Have you ever made up rules in poker? Sound off in the comments section!

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June 28, 2016 12:16 pm

Re: Jo-Jo and Luke’s make-out session:

JoJo is there already – dilated pupils, shallow breathing – Luke says the right things, but somehow can’t even bring himself to look at her. Instead, he has that 1,000 yard stare.

I am now convinced that his last two girlfriends are DEFINITELY buried under his front porch.

July 4, 2016 10:59 pm
Reply to  Brian

I like the way you analyse his stare.

July 6, 2016 4:10 pm
Reply to  Brian

Brian! You are absolutely correct! PTSD should be his occupation. There is something off about him!

Dawna Hubert
Dawna Hubert
June 28, 2016 12:22 pm

Great as always! I love me some JT, he’s the marrying type, but I’m picking Luke for the win! #TexasBoys JT asks if he can kiss her. He feels a spark. I think it’s leftover from Luke.

June 29, 2016 10:14 am
Reply to  Dawna Hubert

I’m shipping James Taylor and Carly Waddell so much. (I don’t have high hopes for him with Jojo.)

Jo from AZ
Jo from AZ
July 1, 2016 3:44 pm
Reply to  Kay

Aah! This is exactly what my sister and I were saying. He and Carly would be adorable together!

July 4, 2016 11:01 pm
Reply to  Dawna Hubert

IKR! I like JT tooooooo. Definitely the marrying type.
Jordan- Kiss
Luke- Kill. Before he kills you

Kayla Evett
June 28, 2016 12:22 pm

Laughed out loud at “Put that away, Tango Lady. No one wants to see your pink parts.”

My friend and I squealed every time her dress shimmed over, which was a LOT. Unfortunately, between the bottom AND top of the dress, I feel like I know exactly what that woman looks like naked.
June 29, 2016 6:50 pm
Reply to  Lincee

Brilliant response!

July 6, 2016 12:43 am
Reply to  Lincee

I’m asking.

July 12, 2016 8:49 pm
Reply to  Kayla Evett

Best line you’ve written EVER!!!

June 28, 2016 12:23 pm

I too was worried about seeing the tango lady’s “pink parts.” JT and Alex each get one more stamp in their respective passports but that will be it for them.

June 28, 2016 6:51 pm
Reply to  Lincee

“Pity Rose” we were all thinking it but lil Alex said it

June 28, 2016 12:25 pm

Lincee, you never disappoint. Your comment about the mosquito netting on JoJo’s dress cracked me up. Why oh why doesn’t send James Taylor on home now because you know she will never choose him?!

June 28, 2016 2:26 pm
Reply to  Dek

Ditto! I just think of you, Lincee, when she wears dresses like that, and greatly anticipate your interpretation of her wardrobe 🙂

June 29, 2016 10:09 am
Reply to  Dek

I think she is keeping him around because she thinks he’s the type of guy she SHOULD like and she feels guilty that she’s not more attracted to him because he’s generally been so sweet to her. He seems like the type of guy you marry to me, but I just hope he finds a nice normal girl after the show is over. I felt that way about Ben on Kaitlyn’s season too, but I guess he and Lauren seem happy enough. I don’t know if I’ll be able to watch their reality show though, I never found them particularly interesting together.

Jamey Jam
Jamey Jam
June 28, 2016 12:37 pm

I liked Derek. Sigh. I also like Chase. But he needs to smile more. I don’t like Jordan — there’s something about him that actually repulses me. I don’t like how he walks around all prancey. And his tight pants and beady eyes. And I DESPISE his hair. Any guy who looks like he needs more product than me? You’re outta here.

Cindy S.
Cindy S.
June 28, 2016 1:32 pm
Reply to  Jamey Jam

Agree with you on Jordan’s hair. It’s KILLING me. Please cut that mess off!!

June 28, 2016 2:34 pm
Reply to  Cindy S.

I know! That hair! I had to rewind and pause the promos for next week because I couldn’t tell if Jojo was lying in the grass with a guy wearing a beret or Jordan (I think it’s a guy wearing a beret but I couldn’t tell for sure).

June 28, 2016 4:43 pm

OMG i saw that beret and i think it was alex!!!!!

June 28, 2016 3:45 pm
Reply to  Jamey Jam

Yes! Jordan is repuls

June 28, 2016 3:47 pm
Reply to  Beth

*repulsive. I was just telling my husband last night that he reminded me of Gumby (those pants and that hair…ugh!) with rodent eyes.

June 28, 2016 6:33 pm
Reply to  Lincee

Jordan’s hair has its own Twitter account.

June 28, 2016 10:13 pm
Reply to  SeaJay

Robby’s hair is just as crazy though! What a helmet!
June 29, 2016 6:52 pm
Reply to  Lincee

I like Jordan. Honestly not sad to see Derek go home. Do you think Chad pops up again?

June 28, 2016 12:56 pm

The JT/Jordan fiasco seemed completed producer driven. Including them being “best friends”?? I doubt it. Jordan drinks white wine?? I doubt it.

June 29, 2016 4:32 pm
Reply to  Lincee

I started watching Lifetime UnREAL which is a spoof on the Bachelor….hilarious…it really gives a feeling for HOW scripted a show like this is. And how much running those ABC interns might really be doing!
Love the recaps. Literally leave me laughing out loud and my desk with people giving me the “that strange girl” look.

June 28, 2016 12:58 pm

JoJo must have attended the Giada De Laurentiis School of Proper Pronunciation. Ar-HAN-tina is JoJo’s Moat-zer-hella. I don’t care if it’s the funnest place you’ve traveled to. Saying it that way does not make you sound fancy.

June 28, 2016 2:26 pm
Reply to  Kristin

*funnest!!!* – yes, you said it!

June 28, 2016 1:08 pm

Fabulous and entertaining recap, as usual, Lincee. My favorite line was about Harrison – He.Looks. So.Good.

June 28, 2016 1:10 pm

“JoJo pops in the room with painted on pants.She flirts with camel-toe but never achieves the uprising.”
You are halarious and also a genius! I nearly fell off my couch laughing when I read your camel-toe comments. And I also am annoyed with myself for watching for it. Thank goodness I’m not the only one!

June 28, 2016 1:18 pm

I found this episode to be a real yawn fest. I spent more time noticing the awful hairstyles than anything else. And the Chase/Derek thing was so cheesy. Poor Wells………….talk about totally humiliating a person.

June 28, 2016 1:31 pm

Hilarious recap as usual. Didn’t get the pity roses for Alex and JT, you KNOW they aren’t getting hometown dates. Aren’t Chase and Jordan the same person? Hard to tell them apart.
When I saw the white dress with the black mosquito netting inserts I knew the interns were looking out for the Zika virus. I also thought “Lincee is going to have fun with this”.
Picking Luke and Jordan for the final two but can’t tell which will be her final pick.

June 29, 2016 12:51 pm
Reply to  Liana

I know! The roses for both Alex and James Taylor seemed really pointless. She doesn’t seem to be feeling it for either of those guys. Maybe they had Jojo do that in order to have more variables in the ol’ “drama equation” for next episode . . . ?

Cindy S.
Cindy S.
June 28, 2016 1:34 pm

“Put that away, Tango Lady. No one wants to see your pink parts.”

OMG, I had to rewind to make sure I saw what I thought I saw. Yep. Honestly where is the black box modesty patch when we really needed it??

June 28, 2016 1:40 pm

Camouflage pants, Jessica Rabbit…pink parts…I’m dying!

So many good lines here. Very sad for Wells, but we all knew he would be sent packing. I HATED when she let Derek go. Chase was no where near in the same realm as Derek. Why is the garden gnome man still there????? WHY?

June 28, 2016 3:51 pm
Reply to  Norma

Garden gnome. Lol!!!

July 6, 2016 4:15 pm
Reply to  Norma

Garden Gnome! Perfect! We call him “Scrappy Doo”

June 28, 2016 1:42 pm

james taylor for the next bachelor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 28, 2016 2:19 pm
Reply to  votemom

We need another Sean Lowe and JT definitely has the same appeal to me.

June 28, 2016 6:37 pm
Reply to  Lincee

You said it, Sister! cough*wrongreasons*cough

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